Managing Your Load for Money and Energy Security: Demand Response and Time-Variable Pricing

2 hours
Long Description

This workshop will provide participants with insight into finding the right DR programs and TVP offerings they can take advantage of to turn federal facilities' demand flexibility capabilities into dollars and enhanced energy security — for both their sites and the grid. Both utility and ISO/RTO offerings will be covered. The workshop will explain ways in which federal sites have been able to obtain – and retain (for their own use) – these savings, including federal-specific procurement mechanisms. It will make the argument that this largely "unturned stone" of federal cost savings is almost always available, in one form or another, to any federal facility with a peak load of roughly 500 kW or more (and often to those with peak loads below that).

Short Description
Energy Exchange Pre-Event Workshop

This workshop will provide participants with insight into finding the right demand response (DR) programs and time-variable pricing (TVP) offerings they can take advantage of to turn federal facilities' demand flexibility capabilities into dollars and enhanced energy security — for both their sites and the grid. The workshop will explain ways in which federal sites have been able to obtain – and retain (for their own use) – these savings, including federal-specific procurement mechanisms.
Training Type
Course Materials
Date and Location

Cincinnati, OH
United States

Date Range
CEUs Offered?
CEUs offered
Energy Exchange