The Intersection of Decarbonization and Resilience

2 hours
Long Description

Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL) and the Federal Energy Management Program (FEMP) are working on ways to enhance their resilience planning and technical assistance efforts by incorporating new elements of decarbonization, carbon-free electricity, and climate change mitigation and adaptation. This workshop will preview new features available throughout FEMP's tool suite that focus on the intersection of decarbonization and resilience planning. It will focus on FEMP's Technical Resilience Navigator (TRN) and the new capabilities for considering the decarbonization benefits of resilience solutions. Additionally, the workshop will detail the process of using risk-informed assessments and sensitivity analysis in developing federal climate adaptation plans and how the two processes overlap.

Short Description
Energy Exchange Pre-Event Workshop

Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL) and the Federal Energy Management Program (FEMP) are working on ways to enhance their resilience planning and technical assistance efforts by incorporating new elements of decarbonization, carbon-free electricity, and climate change mitigation and adaptation. This workshop will preview new features available throughout FEMP's tool suite that focus on the intersection of decarbonization and resilience planning.
Training Type
Course Materials
Date and Location

Cincinnati, OH
United States

Date Range
CEUs Offered?
CEUs offered
Energy Exchange