Advanced Utility Energy Service Contract (UESC) Best Practices

2 hours
Long Description

With increasing emphasis on improving energy efficiency and reducing the federal carbon footprint, utility energy service contracts (UESCs) offer agencies a proven acquisition strategy for implementing energy conservation projects with little to no upfront cost. This workshop presents topics aimed at assisting agency staff, utilities, and energy service companies (ESCOs) in the development of UESCs, emphasizing federal priorities, such as decarbonization and electrification. Federal Energy Management Program (FEMP) experts will share best practices and lessons learned regarding price evaluation, risk mitigation, technical implementation, and performance and provide attendees with the opportunity to learn through open dialogue about challenges and best practices for ensuring projects are successful and impactful.

Short Description
Energy Exchange Pre-Event Workshop

This workshop presents topics aimed at assisting agency staff, utilities, and energy service companies (ESCOs) in the development of utility energy service contracts (UESCs), emphasizing federal priorities, such as decarbonization and electrification.
Training Type
Course Materials
Date and Location

Cincinnati, OH
United States

Date Range
CEUs Offered?
CEUs offered
Energy Exchange