FEMP 50: Utility Engagement & Performance Contracting for Decarbonization & CFE Goals

1 hour
Long Description

Leveraging the Federal government's power to partner with utilities and energy service companies is key to addressing the risks posed by climate change and achieving decarbonization and carbon pollution-free electricity goals. Methods such as utility energy service contracts and energy savings performance contracts can assist Federal sites in meeting their energy and water goals and addressing climate-related risks. FEMP facilitates these partnerships through trainings, tools and resources, including those from the Performance Contracting National Resource Center. Join this session to hear from key FEMP and SCEP staff on how federal agencies can best leverage these contracting avenues, what real world ESPCs and UESCs success stories look like, and what resources are available to help.

Short Description
This FEMP 50 offering discusses leveraging the Federal government's power to partner with utilities and energy service companies as key to addressing the risks posed by climate change and achieving decarbonization and carbon pollution-free electricity goals. Methods such as utility energy service contracts and energy savings performance contracts can assist Federal sites in meeting their energy and water goals and addressing climate-related risks.
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Energy Exchange