Energy and Water Manager Best Practices: Project Planning, Team Building, and Tracking

1 hour
Long Description

This interactive training will educate learners about energy management best practices including the value of setting goals, developing a plan, identifying milestones, and documenting the tasks associated with those goals and milestones. During the training, you will discover why it's important to identify key stakeholders and core team members for each project or task and to get their support and buy-in.

Identifying the drivers that motivate your team members and stakeholders will allow you to make use of their individual strengths. You will learn to tap into as many resources as possible to execute projects both efficiently and effectively. Using data to measure the progress of projects, move them forward, and communicate accomplishments to stakeholders, and collecting and analyzing data at regular intervals will help to identify problems early and correct them, as well as provide information to help justify future projects. During this training, you will also learn to reach out to people that you might not normally work with to be part of your team, and to communicate frequently with team members and stakeholders to help maintain a sense of ownership in projects. You will also learn the value of recognizing and rewarding the accomplishments of others, and that you don't have to go it alone. The key to successfully executing any project depends on delegating tasks and relying on your network of expertise to maximize efforts.

Short Description
This interactive training will educate learners about energy management best practices including the value of setting goals, developing a plan, identifying milestones, and documenting the tasks associated with those goals and milestones. During the training, you will discover why it's important to identify key stakeholders and core team members for each project or task and to get their support and buy-in.
Course Materials
Date and Location
CEUs Offered?
CEUs offered
Curriculum / Learning Focus

Workforce Development and Engagement

This curriculum offers courses that support government efforts to achieve goals aimed at reducing energy and water consumption and enhancing the agility, skills, and knowledge of building workforces.

Learning Focus

Strategic Project and Facility Energy Management

Strategic Project and Facility Energy Management
Energy Exchange